Friday 14 October 2011

If a woman rebels against high-heeled shoes, she should take care to do it in a very smart hat - George Bernard Shaw

I'm in love. I want these shoes! I've visited the Glass Boutique website a trillion times in the last few hours in pure admiration of these snuggly, fluff lined stylish beauties. Glass Boutique are running a competition via Twitter to win a £100 voucher. You have to say which product you want from their store and why you'd look good in it. Frankly I don't think I can fit in to 140 characters my reasons for adoring these shoes (there are so many reasons) so I'm not sure what my chances are of winning. And despite being in love with these heavenly trotter protectors I had to deliberate dutifully in my mind what actually was my favourite product in the store. It was a difficult decision and I fully intend investing and adorning my self in tons of their garments.

I've been blissfully obsessing over Pointer women's footwear since seeing a gorgeous pair of ankle boots in the Carhartt shop in Barcelona. This is not the first I've seen/heard of Pointer but sometimes you shelf something temporarily, but shelved Pointer shall be no more. I am beyond determined to fill up my shoe rack with more than a few pointer shoes. I already have about 6 pairs on my 'to buy imminently' list and I have full outfits planned around them all. Hats and all. Which brings me to my other most popularly researched item of the day and my dream of finding the perfect brimmed winter hat. This is my front runner at the moment, perfect to top off a pretty outfit but not so practical for the perishing winter predicted. I plan on teaming it with these beauties which I must get on to purchasing sooner rather than later to avoid 'out of stock' disaster and ensure my 'Little House on the Prairie' inspired dreams are achieved this Autumn.

Time for sleep. I have a long run planned for tomorrow, my first in a week and a half!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Better to be a first-class matchbox than a second-class match

Working in a professional environment where a client could walk in and demand my attention at any moment I've decided it's time to invest in some new work wear. I work in law and when new clients come to see me, they perhaps do not expect to see someone looking like me,I look too young and not fierce enough, apparently. In a traditionally male dominated sector, people often think of a hard nosed man or a broad shouldered woman as being their representative. I like to think of my self as being somewhere between the broad shouldered woman (although I need quite a lot of padding to make my shoulders broad) and Ted from Scrubs. 

Over the years (I've been working in litigation for over 5 years now) my work wear has evolved. When I first moved to Brighton I'd wear lots of paisley shirts and spandex skirts / spandex pinafore dresses. I don't think I wore a pair of trousers for, maybe 4 years, but now I'm all about the trousers and at the moment my grey high waist byCorpus trousers from Urban Outfitters. Smart and cute! I need to expand my work-wear wardrobe desperately so I'm scouring the net for suitable attire...but I keep getting distracted by the woolen wonders adorning all my favourite fashion sites.

Last night I spent an hour perusing socks and tights while waiting for my iPhone update. Some of my favourites I intend on purchasing:


Topshop elma2 Heart Trim Knit Socks

Hunter Fair Isle knitted socks as well as just about every other pair of Hunter knitted socks

This winter I'm going to be all about the boot/sock combo (but just for the weekend and post 5.30pm)

Wednesday 12 October 2011


So, we arrived back from Barcelona last night. It was amazing being re-united with my puppy and kitties but I can't say that I was all that impressed to be returning to temperatures 12 degrees below what I had just come from. Alas, here I am and I have anther holiday in a week and a day to look forward to in any case. And this time my puppy gets to come along! We're going to Wales with Lee's family. I'm expecting it to be cold and rainy and while I can pull on my Hunters and a thick pair of woolie socks, I wish I'd be donning this little number from Nike's NSW collection:

 I found it in a little boutique in Barcelona, selling an abundance of glam sportswear including Adidas maxi dresses (they were actually pretty cute) but the boutique had no shop frontage so I have no idea what it was called.  The coat was on sale for €199 from something like 350 euros.  I didn't have the funds to purchase it while there so I've scoured the net and success! I found it on the Nike web site much cheaper  The cut is delicious and extremely flattering, so I'm on a major mission to purchase it!

Today I'm back in work and Lee has started his new job - hectic considering we only got back at 10 last night. And now begins the arduous task of unpacking and washing and getting ready for the next holiday.

While on holiday I've realised that my foundation is probably causing me spots (eurgh!) so I'm going to revert to my old trusted foundation Perfectly real which is perfectly perfect. I've been using Mac face and body foundation because the assistant in Mac recommended it to me but I'm pretty certain it's clogging up my pores a bit too much and isn't all that great for my skin type. I can't wait to splurge my new foundation on my face.YUM!

Sunday 9 October 2011


This is, perhaps, the third blog I've started. One is entirely private and always has been, the other I started a good few years ago but gave up on when I'd got out of the habit of updating it.  But I enjoy writing, I adore writing. I just find it a little mind boggling that other people peruse these snippets of my mind. I read blogs regularly though and so here we go again with my attempts.

I'm presently in Barcelona and have been since Wednesday. To say I'm having a good time would be an understatement but I guess that begs the question why the hell I'm taking the time to do this now... well a holiday is about relaxing as well. I find it pretty hard to relax and just do nothing, my boyfriend probably finds this one of my worst traits, I'm always doing something, so this is my relaxation. Lee is sleeping - We've been swimming in the sea and walking around all day so it's probably a much needed sleep, so here I am transcribing a couple of my thoughts.

I love Barcelona. This, like my blogs, is the third time I've been (something in 3s?). I've been with friends every other time.  Lee has been a couple of times before too. This is our first proper holiday together.We've got a cute little room with a balcony close to the Gothic Quarter (my favourite part of the city). We've been to places I didn't go to when I came before and we've done an insane amount of walking. I've missed running and feel a little unhealthy from the food I've been eating and drinking I've been doing - I normally steer clear of ice cream and chocolate and hardly ever drink alcohol any more but this holiday - woa! It's really funny- Lee doesn't drink so when we've ordered a diet coke (Lee's drink of choice) and a beer the waiter(ress) has been utterly baffled when I've been the one claiming the beer.

I miss my puppy and kitties a ridiculous amount and it feels bizarre them not being here, but we'll be re-united on Tuesday night and with that I'll be acquainting myself with a detox, a gym membership and a 22 mile run.

Some of my favourite pictures from holiday so far...